Farragut Republican Club™

The OFFICIAL website of the Farragut (and Concord) Republican Club. The Farragut Republican Club meets the FIRST THURSDAY of each month: Dinner at 6:30 and Meeting at 7:30 in FARRAGUT at Frullati Cafe‎ (behind Farragut's McDonald's) 129 West End Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37934, (865) 288-7499 For information about membership, please e-mail membership@farragutrepublicans.com. To contact the Club's President, please e-mail president@farragutrepublicans.com

Sunday, April 29, 2012

May 3 Meeting: County Commissioner - Dr. Richard Briggs

Concord Farragut Republican Club Meets Thursday, May 3, 7:30 p.m. at Seasons Café.
Dr. Richard Briggs, County Commissioner is our Speaker. His subject is Obama Care.

Please patronize Seasons Café as they are providing a meeting area for us to meet. It would be best to be there to eat by no later than 6:00 to 6:15 p.m.

Richard Briggs

Dr. Richard Briggs, was appointed to the Knox County Commission in February 2008 and won the general election for the District 5-C seat in August 2008.  Commissioner Briggs is serving a 6 year term, having been elected in 2010 without opposition.
Dr. Briggs attended high school in Chamonix, France before receiving his B.S. degree from Transylvania University in Lexington, KY.  He graduated from the University of Kentucky College Of Medicine in 1978 with Highest Honors and immediately entered active military service with the U.S. Army. He served in combat with the 1st Armored Division in Operation Desert Storm where he was awarded the Bronze Star. With over 30 years of active and reserve military service, Colonel Briggs also served in Korea, Central and South America, and in Egypt during the Somalia crisis.  Following the attacks on September 11, 2001, Colonel Briggs volunteered to return to active duty for service in Afghanistan.  In 2005-2006, he deployed to the Green Zone in Baghdad as the Senior Trauma Surgeon at the main U.S. Army Combat Support Hospital in Iraq, commonly known as “Baghdad ER.”  Colonel Briggs has commanded U.S. Army Reserve units in Nashville, Chattanooga, and Johnson City.
Dr. Briggs practices cardiothoracic surgery (heart and lung surgery) at St Mary’s Medical Center and has held academic appointments at the University of Texas-San Antonio, the University of Louisville, and the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.  He is the President of the Knoxville Academy of Medicine and sits on the Board of Trustees of the Tennessee Medical Association.
Dr. Briggs enjoys returning to his rural roots at his farm in Hardin Valley. His hobbies include gardening, bushhogging, and beekeeping. His wife Stephanie is a passionate animal rescue volunteer.

April 5th Meeting is Canceled - Happy Easter!