Farragut Republican Club™

The OFFICIAL website of the Farragut (and Concord) Republican Club. The Farragut Republican Club meets the FIRST THURSDAY of each month: Dinner at 6:30 and Meeting at 7:30 in FARRAGUT at Frullati Cafe‎ (behind Farragut's McDonald's) 129 West End Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37934, (865) 288-7499 For information about membership, please e-mail membership@farragutrepublicans.com. To contact the Club's President, please e-mail president@farragutrepublicans.com

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

November 9, 2006 Meeting: Lloyd Daugherty, Chairman of the Tennessee Conservative Union

The Farragut (and Concord) Republican Club is honored to have as its November's speaker, Lloyd Daugherty, Chairman of the Tennessee Conservative Union and Host of "The Voice", the region's only comprehensive radio show about political and community issues. Lloyd is going to give his perspectives on the recent election, of issues that matter to conservatives, and about recent and future Tennessee Conservative Union activities.

Mr. Lloyd Daugherty
Chairman, Tennessee Conservative Union

For over twenty years, Lloyd Daugherty has served as Chairman of the Tennessee Conservative Union. He brings a wealth of political experience as host of “The Voice,” having served as:

· Southern Field Director for Citizens for Reagan in 1980

· Campaign Director for Southerners for Reagan in 1984

· Senior Consultant for the presidential campaigns of Bush-Quayle and Phil Gramm

· Senior Advisor for Jack Kemp’s presidential campaign

· Served as Grassroots Director for the Tennessee anti-state income tax campaign “Ax the Tax”

· Provided voice-over for President George H. Bush sportsman’s video shown at the Republican National Convention

· Political analyst for the “Carl Werner” radio show

· Host of “On the Line” radio show, a nighttime political call-in show 1985-1987

For eighteen years Mr. Lloyd Daugherty has also hosted the Dixie Angler Radio Network, as a show about fishing, travel and the outdoors. Heard on over 5O stations throughout 80% of the South, The Dixie Angler is among the most awarded programs in the world of outdoor communications.

As a possible "stand-in" for Lloyd will be the Vice-Chairman of the Tennessee Conservative Union, Mr. Kelvin Moxley.

Mr. Kelvin Moxley
Vice-Chairman, Tennessee Conservative Union

Tennessee native Kelvin Moxley is a long-time Conservative activist. He co-hosts “The Voice” after a distinguished career in state and national politics serving as Editor and Publisher of the Conservative Spectator and Policy Analyst for United States Senator Fred Thompson during Thompson’s eight-year Senate career.