February 14, 2008 Meeting: Lloyd Daugherty, Chairman of the Tennessee Conservative Union

Mr. Lloyd Daugherty
Chairman, Tennessee Conservative Union
· Southern Field Director for Citizens for Reagan in 1980
· Campaign Director for Southerners for Reagan in 1984
· Senior Consultant for the presidential campaigns of Bush-Quayle and Phil Gramm
· Senior Advisor for Jack Kemp’s presidential campaign
· Served as Grassroots Director for the
· Provided voice-over for President George H. Bush sportsman’s video shown at the Republican National Convention
· Political analyst for the “Carl Werner” radio show
· Host of “On the Line” radio show, a nighttime political call-in show 1985-1987
Bill Johns presenting Lloyd with a book about Ronald Reagan
(Photo provided by Martha Woodward of the Knoxville Journal)
Farragut Republican Club Holds February Meeting
by Martha Woodward of the Knoxville Journal
Lloyd Daughtery, radio talk show host, Chairman of the Tennessee Conservative Union, and political consultant spoke to the Farragut Republican Club on 2-14-08. Lloyd told the group he was hoping to see the Republicans return to their conservative roots. He defined being conservative as:
1. Sovereignty—keeping control of our borders by knowing who is coming in and who is going out. 2. Returning to the Constitution as our guide. 3. Giving citizens liberty—which also means freedom to fail. 4. Keeping taxes as low as possible and cutting spending, and 5. Remembering that individuals matter, and, 6. Keeping a strong military, and being patriotic.
Foster Arnett, Richard Briggs, Sherry Witt, and Phil Ballard, four of the candidates who recently won their races, were on hand to thank the group for their support and votes. Bill Johns is the president of the club which meets at the Gondolier Italian Pizzeria on