Farragut Republican Club™

The OFFICIAL website of the Farragut (and Concord) Republican Club. The Farragut Republican Club meets the FIRST THURSDAY of each month: Dinner at 6:30 and Meeting at 7:30 in FARRAGUT at Frullati Cafe‎ (behind Farragut's McDonald's) 129 West End Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37934, (865) 288-7499 For information about membership, please e-mail membership@farragutrepublicans.com. To contact the Club's President, please e-mail president@farragutrepublicans.com

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

May 8, 2008 Meeting: State Representative 14th District Candidates

Please join us on May 8th to hear our club's special guests, Dr. Thomas Baer and Mr. Ryan Haynes, Republican Candidates for State Representative, 14th District.


Baer, Haynes stump at Farragut GOP for state district house seat

Ryan Haynes, the younger candidate in a GOP duel for Tennessee State Representative District 14 seat, emphasized energy and enthusiasm at age 23.

His Republican opponent, U.S. Navy veteran Thomas Baer, 65, emphasized experience at having dealt with state and local governments as a businessman and advocate.

Both Farragut men made campaign sales pitches before Concord-Farragut Republican Club during its monthly meeting, Thursday, May 8, in Gondolier Restaurant. There is no Democrat opposition.

“I want to be the first to tell you right here, right now, I’m not running as a Republican, I’m running as a conservative,” Haynes said.

“I think my energy and my enthusiasm will serve us well in the legislature,” Haynes added. “I think energy and enthusiasm are the two of the most valuable traits you can bring to that job over in Nashville.”

Baer, U.S. Naval Academy and U.S Naval War College graduate with a doctorate in nuclear engineering, said his experience includes dealing with government in relation to his presidency of three companies dealing with “hazardous chemicals and nuclear waste issues.”

He also emphasized government experience in relation to successfully advocating tighter college security rules and parole system changes following his son being murdered on the UT campus in 1988.

Baer said he wants to bring the “tenacity of my experience” to Nashville.

Haynes, a University of Tennessee graduate, came out against what he labeled the “newest fad,” a state property tax, emphasizing he would never vote for such a tax.

“A consumption-based tax is right for Tennessee,” he added.

The 23-year-old candidate said he’s also against state toll roads. “In the 14th District out in Hardin Valley, some people have proposed that we have a toll road on that Orange Route,” Haynes said. “The last thing people need after they’ve paid the gasoline tax already to build the roads, is then have to pay to drive on the roads.”

Also against state income and state property taxes, Baer called both “regressive … a drag on the economy, they keep businesses from being able to invest that money and create new jobs.” Baer also opposed toll roads.

Concerning elderly health care in conjunction with TennCare and Medicare, Baer said, “It’s either all or nothing, you either go to a nursing home or you get nothing. We can save a lot of money in these programs by setting up a system where we can do part of the long-term care in the home.”

Emphasizing that without wife and children, Haynes would have more time to devote in Nashville. “I can tell yah, I won’t stopping working for you if I’m elected.”

Baer said our military veterans should be ensured an education, with funding coming from the lottery fund.

In order to keep Social Security viable, Baer said, “We’re going to have to raise the age levels” of eligibility, adding he’s “absolutely” in favor of privatizing Social Security funds as an personal investment “option.”

Thursday, April 03, 2008

April 10 Meeting: John McCain's Campaign

A representative from Senator John McCain's Presidential Campaign will be speaking about the upcoming election.



Burnett stumps for McCain at Farragut GOP meeting

Careful to say he’s not “an official representative” of U.S. Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) presidential campaign push in Knox County, Josh Burnett nevertheless listed numerous reasons the anticipated GOP nominee should be elected in November.

Burnett, assistant vice president at Citizens National Bank and a West Hills resident, labeled himself a McCain “volunteer” who spoke to Concord-Farragut Republican Club at its monthly meeting Thursday, April 10, in Gondolier restaurant.

“If he’s got Knox County, it’s going to spill over into other counties and ultimately Tennessee will be a red state,” Burnett said to begin his roughly 30-minute speech and question-and-answer session to an audience of about 20. “I know he’s gotten somewhat of a bad rap, and his conservative values have been taken into question. … He is uniting the party under his conservative principles.”

Some of McCain’s positions as labeled by Burnett:

• “The alternative minimum tax needs to just go away. That is a $60 billion savings. … That’s real money in your pocket that stays in your pocket.”

• “A plan to reduce the federal capital gains tax. … Investment and hard work should not be penalized through taxes.”

• “A plan to cut corporate taxes from 35 to 25 percent. This decrease will lead to an increase in competitiveness. Will lead to better opportunities for American businesses, and also lead to eventually higher wages for employees.”

• Fewer tax dollars would be offset by “better management, it’s leaner government and vetoing all wasteful spending and pork-barrel spending.”

• “He actually plans on banning taxes on the Internet, and banning new taxes on cell phones.”

Burnett warned that by 2011, “The Democrats plan on pushing through a $100 billion tax increase,” adding that citizens thinking about voting Democratic should “take $700 cash and just leave it in that voting booth because that’s going to come out of our pockets if that tax increase goes through.”

Burnett pointed out that while McCain is “building relationships with foreign governments,” U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), the Democratic primary front-running candidate, “sought out” controversial pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. “I don’t think we need that kind of radicalism influencing a presidential candidate, much less a president,” he added.

As for the Iraqi War, Burnett said McCain “had the foresight and fortitude” in 2007 to realize U.S.-led troops needed “The Surge that is working” in 2008.

“John McCain believes success in Iraq is a peaceful and democratic state that poses no threat to its region,” Burnett added. “I think we can all agree on that.”

Concerning the abortion issue, Burnett pointed to McCain’s “24-year voting record for pro-life.”

Burnett blamed the Democratic-led Congress, following mid-term 2006 elections, for increased gas prices and foreclosures, and decreased home equity and investment returns.

Concerning border control of illegal aliens, Burnett said he understands McCain is seeking “more of a diplomatic solution … creating relationships with South America and Mexico.”

As for McCain’s local campaign status, “The party isn’t really organized in Knox County yet,” Burnett said. “I would imagine probably in the next month or two we should have some real organization as far as groundwork.”